Tuesday, October 31, 2006

andy rooney, my hero

to some, I am already an old crank. to most, I am on my way to becoming an old crank. how? why? when? all too soon I'm afraid. i suppose i first realized it when the little voice in your head, your conscience, whatever, began to sound remarkably like andy rooney. who doesn't really demand so much now that i think about it, in fact, he has become the voice of reason to a certain extent.

Allow me to demonstrate. Please continue reading as if the man himself Andy Rooney were reading the following to you.

You know what bothers me these days is the way slang rapidly spreads throughout every aspect of the business world and is used by people who have no connection to how these words and phrases ever came about. The minute any slang that i hear in my social circles is repeated on a national news program such as NPR or if one of the middle-aged folk at work start to use outdated slang, i know it's over. if i hear my manager say "peace out" at the end of the day one more time, I swear it's 23 skiddoo for me. sure, i still say "word" as an affirmation, it's interchangable with "correct". is it outdated? yes. am i offending a 22 year old version of myself somewhere? probably. it's just as annoying when older people keep regurgitating the same pop culture references and slang that have been used up years ago.

I suppose that it might be the fact that by getting old, i'm increasingly out of the loop, and have to ask people what new slang means rather than begin using it from the getgo. i had to ask my younger sister what "flossing" means. it has nothing to do with your teeth.
I guess that makes me one "jive turkey".


Blogger jonathan said...

you make me laugh

10:33 AM  

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